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Indonesia defies global convention on smoking

  On Nov 12, 2012

Taxes on cigarettes, advertising and smoking bans will be discussed at the World Health Organisation's Tobacco summit opening in Seoul on November 12. Representatives from 170 countries are participating in the event, which aims to curb smoking, which according to the world body, kills nearly six million people every year, eight million by 2030. But one of the world's most populous country, Indonesia, is skipping the meeting. The country's tobacco lobby has pressured the government the defy the global effort.

Who's Comments =Your logic is flawed and the Melanesia's who label themselves black are just equally confused. When people say Black in the mainstream media all around the world, they mean people of African descent. When Barack Obama won the election in 2008, he became the first black president as an African American not just a dark skinned person. Based on your line of thought how do you differentiate between Black Africans and Melanesian's if they are all labelled "black".

"Negroid Melanesian"? I suppose that's a roundabout way of saying "Black"?

Again, I personally know two brothas from Fiji, one sista from West Papua, and have met and talked to plenty of brothas from New Zealand who have ALL identified with "Black". So, your call for me to "stop lumping people together based on the color of their skin" is something that you'd have to ask my friends to do.

You see, wherever we may be, in whatever size, shape or shade we may come in, we ALL identify with "Black".
The tern black in the case of Melanesia's is simply a surface label.They are as genetically "black" as Europeans are. Black denotes people of African descent and not just skin colour. In terms of scientific classification they are Negroid Melanesia's not just "black". Stop lumping people together based on the color of their skin.

All I can say is ... Untill smoking is cool you won't see any change. In my country it was widley advertised and popular to smoke untill 2000 ... Than the goverment decided that its enough and all teh ads went down ... all smokes costed like double the price ... and the health warnings were printed over half of the box... I see less and less smokers 12 years later.

Too much population, the government are very smart, just leave the masses smoke and they die with their cigarette, and it will decrease their own population, it better than doing a genocide or forcing birth control to the people.

I tell you Indonesian government is the weakest organization in the country: literally helpless and brain-controlled by the Chinese-owned/Singapore-owned private organization, and yes the Chinese are smarter and does better than the locals, yet they are facing discrimination in the government, whose staffs are mostly locals for some unknown reason.



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