Wed, May 23: A peaceful evening march that began with
people banging pots and pans in support of protesting students ended in the
early morning hours with police kettling demonstrators and arresting 518 of
them after officers were pelted with projectiles.
Canada's Largest Act of Civil
Disobedience! 300 000 + Defy Anti-Protest Bill in Montreal!
On May 22, 2012 Hundreds of thousands of people (reports
range from 200,000 to 500,000) marched on the 100th straight day of protest
to support student strikers and to speak out against Bill 78, a draconian
anti protest bill that puts dangerous limits on Quebec's freedom of
Expression, Assembly and Speech. It was a beautiful day of playful revelry
and civil disobedience.
Music by: Prolific and Reanimator - "The Ugly Truth" (1st song) and Immortal
Technique "The Martyr" (last 2 songs).