Despite major safety concerns, why is Japan restarting its
nuclear reactors?( Comments) "Despite major safety concerns, why is Japan
restarting its nuclear reactors?" Maybe they need electricity? The
alternatives are far worse for japan, burning oil or coal would be far more
expensive making most people unable to afford living at all, they would
freeze to death in the winter. Not to mention the environmental hazard of
those amounts of oil/coal being burnt, which would be far worse than
2 japan don't have choice just because they don't have natural
resources, and only solution build new powerplant with safer rector and
bitch who talk about coal power in japan is just crazy ,after japan shutdown
nuclear powerplant gas power station produce energy cost 6x more than
energy at nuclear powerplant
3 Alternate energies water powered engine technology making strides in
Japan .. it is most likely who is making money by nuclear power
4 The lady misses the point completely. 'Can Japan afford long-term to
increase its imports of oil and coal to make up for the 30% of electricity
previously provided by by nuclear power?'. If the answer is yes, they are
away to the races. If not, then she needs to suggest a viable alternative.
Japan depends on being an exporter to survive the terrible debt it currently
maintains. Every dollar increase in imports brings it closer to the Greek
5 Being against nuclear energy is just ignorance.
6 Salt temperature will be around 700-800 degrees Celsius and existing
materials (different type of alloys, carbon based composites and etc.) are
capable to handle corrosive salts for more 10-15 years. These materials is
used e.g in aluminum industry, there hot salt is used.
7 Although I am all for thorium development and even new
generations of LWR Thorium is not currently the silver bullet it claims to
be. With current technology for LFTR the plants would only last 10 to 15
years. With the 1500 degree salts circulating its incredibly corrosive. The
plants would be replaced ever decade. LWR can last 40 to 50 years before
needing replaced. Yes Thorium has issues. We need more a lot more research
to extend the life to LFTR plants.